Custom Framing – Don’t Settle for Less
Bring your home to us – what I mean by this is that we are custom color consultants but every home is different. If you can bring us pictures of your home or sample colors that can help us choose the perfect framing for us. For example, some homes have cool colors or warm or maybe one might be more modern or more traditional.
The size does matter – sometimes mats or frames that are too small can box in the picture. However, going too big can overwhelm the space in your home. The trick is finding the perfect balance.
Good framing should last – NEVER allow framing that is not archival on your cherished art or precious memories! Certain mats from non-professional and non-archival framing places (ahem… like the big box craft stores…) have toxic acids in the mats and foam board that eat away your art over time. They also don’t use reversible mounting and then, there is the issue with glass to! Make sure you request conservation glass as well or your picture will fade with one summer sunshine through the window.
If you have a framing job come and see us for a no charge consultation. We also travel to Sacramento, Tahoe, Auburn locations or you or you can ship your work to us.